***注:NRC,全称National Research Council(美国国家研究委员会)和AAFCO,全称American Association of Feed Control Officials(美国饲料控制委员会),是两个制定猫狗营养需求的组织。一般来说,NRC标准被认为是一个科学标准,其提供的营养建议更为精准可靠;AAFCO是一个行业标准,权威期刊WDJ载文表示“判断一款狗粮是否为好狗粮,包装上是否有注明AAFCO声明是重要的判断标准之一”。
[1] Lisa A. Pierson. Feeding Your Cat: Know the Basics of Feline Nutrition.
[2] The Best of 2016. The Whole Dog Journal.
[3] NRC. Your Cat’s Nutritional Needs: A Science-Based Guide for Pet Owners. National Academies Press.
[4] AAFCO. AAFCO Methods for Substantiating Nutritional Adequacy of Dog and Cat Foods. www.aafco.org.